Conditions conducive to Timber Pest Attack
Report Systems • July 31, 2024

Timber Pest Attack

Determine whether the site and design of the house are extremely favourable to timber pests while conducting a wood pest inspection. A few of the factors are, but are not limited to:

  • What type of construction is the house (e.g., is it built on a cut and fill slab)?
  • Is the type of construction "High" risk in terms of undiscovered termite invasion or activity?
  • Has the structure been expanded or modified?
  • What is the overall risk of an undiscovered timber pest attack and the conditions that can lead to one, given the accessibility for examination and the presence of obstructions?
  • How old is the building, what kind of wood was used in its construction, and how vulnerable are those woods to fungus or wood borer attack?
  • Is there a ready supply of food under or around the building for termites?
  • Is there proof of too much moisture?
  • Is there any proof of additional circumstances that could lead to a timber pest assault, such as insufficient inspection zones or termite management system bridging or breaching?
  • Evidence of a former termite control strategy. Is there a permanent notification stating that a termite program is in place in the electricity meter box?

It's crucial that you:

  • Identify the circumstances that timber pests prefer;
  • Identify the construction type's restrictions;
  • Report any obvious circumstances that might lead to a timber pest attack;
  • Recommend additional professional guidance, follow-up inspections, or repair work as necessary.

The following sources provide additional reading and information on the factors that favour timber pest attack:

  • Standard Timber Pest Detection Reports and Uniform Inspection Guidelines for Timber Pest Detection Consultants are both found in the Report Systems Australia Handbook. November 2010, Fourth Edition.
  • Australian Standard, AS 4349.3-2010, Inspection of Buildings, Part 3: Timber Pest Inspections.
  • Australian Standard, AS 3660.2: 2017, Termite Management in and Around Existing Building.

By Report Systems July 31, 2024
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Public Liability for Pest Control
By Report Systems July 31, 2024
Aviso Specialty is a leading provider of business insurance to Australia's Pest Control industry.